
This document will provide detailed guidance on how to Lend NFTs so as for users to earn passive income.

NFT Owners can lend their NFTs to Players/Scholars and share the net profit from their Play2Earn earnings.

Whenever the Borrowers play and earn, Lenders will receive the % split that they have set up in advance.

For Lenders

For Borrowers

For Lenders

Before putting on Lending, you need to deactivate your NFT.

You can lend as many NFTs as you want, but 1 NFT is only borrowed by 1 Player/Scholar at a time.

Step 1: Connect your wallet

1. Go to https://marketplace.gemuni.io/marketplace

2. Choose โ€œConnect Walletโ€. You can connect either with โ€œMetaMaskโ€ or โ€œWalletConnectโ€.


  • If you don't have the MetaMask wallet yet, you can download it at:

Chrome | iOS | Android

  • Follow these instructions to create a MetaMask wallet and set up a Mainnet environment:

https://docs.binance.org/smart-chain/wallet/metamask.html โ€‹

  • Insert the BSC Mainnet configuration network:

Name: Binance Smart Chain

New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/

Chain ID: 56

  • Connect your wallet again and click โ€œSignโ€.


  • QR Code: Scan QR code with a WalletConnect-compatible wallet. You can use the MetaMask mobile app to connect.

  • Desktop & Mobile: Choose your preferred wallet from the list to connect.

Step 2: Put on lend

1. Go to โ€œMy Profileโ€ page, then the โ€œLendingโ€ section.

2. In the โ€œFor Lendingโ€ tab, choose a Pass you want to lend. Click on โ€œPut on lend".

3. Type your lending information:

  • โ€œMy Reward Percentageโ€ is the reward percentage you want to receive whenever your borrower plays and earns.

  • โ€œMin Durationโ€ and โ€œMax Duration" are the min and max times your Pass is available for lending.

Then, click on โ€œCompleteโ€ to put the Pass on the market. Confirm in your wallet to complete the listing.

4. Your Pass will appear on the โ€œFor Lendingโ€ tab in the โ€œLendingโ€ section on the โ€œMy Profile" page.

You can click on โ€œUpdateโ€ to update the lending information or โ€œCancelโ€ to remove the Pass from the listing.

  • โ€œUpdate": You can update your lending information (Rate, Min Duration, Max Duration), then confirm in your wallet.

  • โ€œCancelโ€: You can cancel lending, then confirm in your wallet.

Step 3: Check your lending result

Whenever the Borrower plays and earns, the Lender will receive the % split that has been set up in advance.

All the transactions are recorded in the โ€œActivity historyโ€ section on the โ€œMy Profileโ€ page in GemUniโ€™s Casual Gaming Platform.

The Lender can take your Pass back at any time and the Borrower can return it to you at any time.

For Borrowers

You can borrow as many NFTs as you want. You can borrow all the NFTs from 1 Lender.

However, you cannot put on lend NFTs you have borrowed.

Step 1: Connect your wallet

1. Go to https://marketplace.gemuni.io/marketplace

2. Choose โ€œConnect Walletโ€. You can connect either with โ€œMetaMaskโ€ or โ€œWalletConnectโ€.


  • If you don't have the MetaMask wallet yet, you can download it at:

Chrome | iOS | Android

  • Follow these instructions to create a MetaMask wallet and set up a Mainnet environment:

https://docs.binance.org/smart-chain/wallet/metamask.html โ€‹

  • Insert the BSC Mainnet configuration network:

Name: Binance Smart Chain

New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/

Chain ID: 56

  • Connect your wallet again and click โ€œSignโ€.


  • QR Code: Scan QR code with a WalletConnect-compatible wallet. You can use the MetaMask mobile app to connect.

  • Desktop & Mobile: Choose your preferred wallet from the list to connect.

Step 2: Borrow (an) NFT(s)

1. Go to โ€œGuildโ€ on the menu bar. Click on โ€œNFT Lending".

Link: https://marketplace.gemuni.io/lending

2. Choose a Pass you want to borrow. Click on โ€œBorrowโ€.

  • โ€œReward Percentageโ€ is the % split the Lender will receive from the Borrowerโ€™s Play2Earn earnings.

  • You can only borrow between the โ€œMinโ€ and โ€œMaxโ€ times that the Lender sets up.

3. Choose the number of weeks you want to borrow an NFT. It must be between the min and max times that the Lender sets up. Click on โ€œBorrowโ€ and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

4. Your Pass will appear on the โ€œBorrowingโ€ tab in the โ€œLendingโ€ section on the โ€œMy Profile" page.

You can โ€œCancel" and return the Pass to the Lender before the borrowing time ends. Currently, you cannot extend your borrowing time.

Step 3: Play and Split rewards

Now, you can play and earn with your borrowed Pass, which has been automatically activated. Whenever you play and earn, the rewards will be deducted automatically and transferred to the Lender(s) according to the % split.

All the transactions are recorded in the โ€œActivity historyโ€ section on the โ€œMy Profileโ€ page in GemUniโ€™s Casual Gaming Platform.

The Borrower can return the Pass to the Lender at any time and the Lender can take it back at any time.

Last updated